Liquitex Professional Acrylic Ink Sets


SKU: HS_79587 Categories: ,

All Variations

Product NameSizeSKUPriceQuantityAdd to Cart
Product Name: Liquitex Acrylic Ink Set Essentials Colours 3X30ML 3699238Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-01Price: 1,199.00
Product Name: Liquitex Acrylic Ink Set Iridescent Colours 3X30ML 3699237Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-02Price: 1,199.00
Product Name: Liquitex Acrylic Ink Set Aqua Colours 6X30ML 3699375Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-03Price: 2,700.00
Product Name: Liquitex Acrylic Ink Set Essentials Colours 6X30ML 3699314Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-04Price: 2,700.00
Product Name: Liquitex Acrylic Ink Set Metallics Colours 6X30ML 3699315Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-05Price: 2,700.00
Product Name: Liquitex Acrylic Ink Set Muted Colours. 6X30ML 3699355Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-06Price: 2,900.00
Product Name: Liquitex Pouring Technique Set Deep Colours 3699307Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-07Price: 2,700.00
Product Name: Liquitex Pouring Technique Set Primary Colours 3699306Size: SetSKU: HS_79587-08Price: 2,700.00



Liquitex - Art Material

Hakimi Stationer is a largest art material supply chain in India and an aurhorized dealer of Liquitex Art Material Supply.Liquitex is a brand of acrylic paint made by Hercules Inc. It is marketed as an artist-grade paint, and is used by both amateur and professional artists.Liquitex was created in 1952 by Dr. William Erwin E McKnight, a research chemist. He was working on a project to create an artificial snow for the movie industry, and while working on the project he discovered that the acrylic polymer he was using could be used to create a paint.Liquitex was the first acrylic paint to be created, and it quickly became popular among artists. It is now one of the most well-known brands of acrylic paint, and is used by artists all over the world.Liquitex has a wider range of Acrylic paint, Gouache, Inks, Modelling paste, Acrylic varnish and more.

What are the benefits of Liquitex?

  • Excellent coverage
  • Durable and permanent
  • Flexibility and versatility
  • Vibrant colors

To Summarize

Liquitex is an excellent brand of paints that offers a wide range of colors and finishes. They are easy to work with and produce beautiful results. Hakimi Stationers made easy to get Conte A Paris Art Material supply online in India.


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